I have received so much of feedback including comments about the latest young yogi, Swami Vishwananda of course, that I thought I should create a blog specifically for him regularly collating feedback and updating persons dedicated to revealing his true nature.
From my original post, the question of godmen I compared Vishwananda to Sathya Sai Baba to whom there is the blatant copying:
I have since highlighted in the comments section of the original post, further deep concerns regarding Vishwananda which I include in this blog.
My original article on the question of godmen has generated alot of interest on Vishwananda. It seems that the universe is working in favour of enlightening us on the true nature of this worldly 'spiritual' being by an increasing feedback in response to this blog. As I've stated on the Sathya Sai 'Copycats' blog (see first comment), there is more feedback on Vishwananda having attended Sai services in UK until some years ago and acquainted himself with some of the Sai youth. Apparently some Sai members (predominently youth) have left to join him. It sound like some kind of brainwashing is underway or more specifically manipulation via yogic powers as people have indicated an experience of increased sexual energy in his presence yet seem to justify it in the name of individual issues!! My experience and understanding of individual concerns of the psyche is that things manifest only when one is ready to deal with it. My opinions are perhaps beside the point in this situation however, especially as word as got out (in response to these blogs) that Vishwananda spent time in prison in Switzerland some years back allegedly for stealing religious artifacts. I don't wish to say more on this as yet as I cannot verify everything except say that the information of him spending time in prison appears authentic.I really do urge people to be very wary as there now is increasing validity in avoiding him. It you would like to share any personal comments, please feel free to email me at: sharewithsheen@yahoo.co.uk
Thanks to the recent anonymous comment (the question of godmen blog) on Siddhis or manifestation of power (as is more commonly understood). Attaining various siddhis is not uncommon on a yogic path and many people on a spiritual path begin to develop hints of awakening or power e.g psychic abilities or heightened intuition. These can very often be a stumbling block as the previous post emphasised as one may become attached to these powers rather than keeping the focus on God. Furthermore these powers may provide a huge temptation to abuse them as Vishwananda had done. Vishwananda is associated with Yogananda, both of whom have alot of siddhi power and apparently practiced Kriya yoga. This form of Kriya yoga should be taken with a pinch of salt based on the characters of the so-called gurus practicing it.For those interested in Kriya yoga, a more enlightened form can be explored via this website:
Although I do not feel the need to follow any specific yogic paths, I have explored the teaching given directly by Babaji to the original members of the above website, and it is far more in tune my own path and beliefs than anything that was written by Yogananada or any other similar gurus. Vishwananda cannot possibly be an exponent on Kriya yoga even though he may have technical knowledge on Kundalini yoga, practices etc. Kriya yoga as I understood it, is a holistic principle based on service to man, character, dharma and so on.
A extremely relevant webpage on the 'guru papers' by Kramer and Alstad. This absolutely applies to the likes of Vishwananda and others:
UPDATE: (June 2006)
I did a bit of surfing recently and came across one of the SRF (Yogananda) chatboards only to find a priceless piece of feedback by Carter Phipps. Information is that Haidakhan Babaji who had materialised in human form and lived during the 1970's and part of the 80's spoke about Yogananda and his lineage of gurus. It is an interesting article but specifically relevant to Vishwananda's claim of being Yogananda is that Babaji had said that Yogananda had reincarnated as a woman who had been living from childhood in South Africa. On a personal level I find words spoken by Babaji directly to be more authentic than any other source. I'm sure most of you will find this very interesting and look forward to hearing any other views.
Vishwananda's obsession with being the reincarnation of Yogananda is responsible for his somewhat notorious rise to fame in the spiritual world. This quiet piece of information is given by Leonard Orr whom I had heard of before in connection with Haidakhan Babaji and I believed was a devotee - hence a credible source. Orr first met Babaji in 1978 (which coincidentally is the year that Vishwananda was born) and on this occassion Babaji mentioned that Yogananda had reincarnated in Africa and was about 12 years old then i.e 12 years before Vishwanda was born. As you will read from the artical Orr subsequently met the individual in question who turned out to be a woman.
I've had a great deal of concern about Vishwananda's fanciful claims and I have found information about him and from him lacking in substance. I am still waiting for further feedback on his time spent in prison but as stated before this seems to be authentic and hopefully this is something that the relevant organistions, authorities are keeping abreast of.
Another relevant website (in response to a recent comment on Swami Kriyananda or J. Donald Walters) is - http://www.ananda.org/inspiration/books/path/contents.html .
I have read bits of this book in the past and it definately provides some interesting feedback on Yogananda and his other lives. On a personal note, I have not subscribed to Yogananda's teachings and also found him (along with other gurus) to be out of touch with the modern world of 'intellectual' spiritual development where not enough emphasis is placed on individual growth and too much emphasis is placed on adhering strictly to a guru. I firmly believe that a spiritual path is an individual journey and any master should demonstrate that respect.
New Update (Sept 2006)
As the growing number of sources regarding the truth of Vishwananda and the like is well on the horizon, I have some further information to consider. Notably the fact is that Vishwananda promotes himself as one who embraces all faiths, cultures and race groups. Apparently this is one of the many things where the truth is being stretched as he has proven to be not particularly in favour of those of African or black descent. He fully demonstrates his adherance to the affluent West. Other than the obvious reason of bringing this to attention, a more underlying reason is that Yogananda did have a group of 'African American) deciples as the following website proves:
I am not a personal supporter of Yogananda and I don't thing he was politically astute but I cannot accuse him of being prejudiced in the time that he lived. Hopefully for the supporters of someone like Vishwananda, they do have a balanced view of what it means to be all embracing.
Another Update:
Although this page has been dedicated to comparing Vishwananda to Sai Baba whom he has been obviously copying, it is worth considering prominent Sai devotees as well who may have alot of influence.
From my original post, the question of godmen I compared Vishwananda to Sathya Sai Baba to whom there is the blatant copying:
I have since highlighted in the comments section of the original post, further deep concerns regarding Vishwananda which I include in this blog.
My original article on the question of godmen has generated alot of interest on Vishwananda. It seems that the universe is working in favour of enlightening us on the true nature of this worldly 'spiritual' being by an increasing feedback in response to this blog. As I've stated on the Sathya Sai 'Copycats' blog (see first comment), there is more feedback on Vishwananda having attended Sai services in UK until some years ago and acquainted himself with some of the Sai youth. Apparently some Sai members (predominently youth) have left to join him. It sound like some kind of brainwashing is underway or more specifically manipulation via yogic powers as people have indicated an experience of increased sexual energy in his presence yet seem to justify it in the name of individual issues!! My experience and understanding of individual concerns of the psyche is that things manifest only when one is ready to deal with it. My opinions are perhaps beside the point in this situation however, especially as word as got out (in response to these blogs) that Vishwananda spent time in prison in Switzerland some years back allegedly for stealing religious artifacts. I don't wish to say more on this as yet as I cannot verify everything except say that the information of him spending time in prison appears authentic.I really do urge people to be very wary as there now is increasing validity in avoiding him. It you would like to share any personal comments, please feel free to email me at: sharewithsheen@yahoo.co.uk
Thanks to the recent anonymous comment (the question of godmen blog) on Siddhis or manifestation of power (as is more commonly understood). Attaining various siddhis is not uncommon on a yogic path and many people on a spiritual path begin to develop hints of awakening or power e.g psychic abilities or heightened intuition. These can very often be a stumbling block as the previous post emphasised as one may become attached to these powers rather than keeping the focus on God. Furthermore these powers may provide a huge temptation to abuse them as Vishwananda had done. Vishwananda is associated with Yogananda, both of whom have alot of siddhi power and apparently practiced Kriya yoga. This form of Kriya yoga should be taken with a pinch of salt based on the characters of the so-called gurus practicing it.For those interested in Kriya yoga, a more enlightened form can be explored via this website:
Although I do not feel the need to follow any specific yogic paths, I have explored the teaching given directly by Babaji to the original members of the above website, and it is far more in tune my own path and beliefs than anything that was written by Yogananada or any other similar gurus. Vishwananda cannot possibly be an exponent on Kriya yoga even though he may have technical knowledge on Kundalini yoga, practices etc. Kriya yoga as I understood it, is a holistic principle based on service to man, character, dharma and so on.
A extremely relevant webpage on the 'guru papers' by Kramer and Alstad. This absolutely applies to the likes of Vishwananda and others:
UPDATE: (June 2006)
I did a bit of surfing recently and came across one of the SRF (Yogananda) chatboards only to find a priceless piece of feedback by Carter Phipps. Information is that Haidakhan Babaji who had materialised in human form and lived during the 1970's and part of the 80's spoke about Yogananda and his lineage of gurus. It is an interesting article but specifically relevant to Vishwananda's claim of being Yogananda is that Babaji had said that Yogananda had reincarnated as a woman who had been living from childhood in South Africa. On a personal level I find words spoken by Babaji directly to be more authentic than any other source. I'm sure most of you will find this very interesting and look forward to hearing any other views.
Vishwananda's obsession with being the reincarnation of Yogananda is responsible for his somewhat notorious rise to fame in the spiritual world. This quiet piece of information is given by Leonard Orr whom I had heard of before in connection with Haidakhan Babaji and I believed was a devotee - hence a credible source. Orr first met Babaji in 1978 (which coincidentally is the year that Vishwananda was born) and on this occassion Babaji mentioned that Yogananda had reincarnated in Africa and was about 12 years old then i.e 12 years before Vishwanda was born. As you will read from the artical Orr subsequently met the individual in question who turned out to be a woman.
I've had a great deal of concern about Vishwananda's fanciful claims and I have found information about him and from him lacking in substance. I am still waiting for further feedback on his time spent in prison but as stated before this seems to be authentic and hopefully this is something that the relevant organistions, authorities are keeping abreast of.
Another relevant website (in response to a recent comment on Swami Kriyananda or J. Donald Walters) is - http://www.ananda.org/inspiration/books/path/contents.html .
I have read bits of this book in the past and it definately provides some interesting feedback on Yogananda and his other lives. On a personal note, I have not subscribed to Yogananda's teachings and also found him (along with other gurus) to be out of touch with the modern world of 'intellectual' spiritual development where not enough emphasis is placed on individual growth and too much emphasis is placed on adhering strictly to a guru. I firmly believe that a spiritual path is an individual journey and any master should demonstrate that respect.
New Update (Sept 2006)
As the growing number of sources regarding the truth of Vishwananda and the like is well on the horizon, I have some further information to consider. Notably the fact is that Vishwananda promotes himself as one who embraces all faiths, cultures and race groups. Apparently this is one of the many things where the truth is being stretched as he has proven to be not particularly in favour of those of African or black descent. He fully demonstrates his adherance to the affluent West. Other than the obvious reason of bringing this to attention, a more underlying reason is that Yogananda did have a group of 'African American) deciples as the following website proves:
I am not a personal supporter of Yogananda and I don't thing he was politically astute but I cannot accuse him of being prejudiced in the time that he lived. Hopefully for the supporters of someone like Vishwananda, they do have a balanced view of what it means to be all embracing.
Another Update:
Although this page has been dedicated to comparing Vishwananda to Sai Baba whom he has been obviously copying, it is worth considering prominent Sai devotees as well who may have alot of influence.
A couple of examples are taken from reports again from those seeking help regarding Vishwananda and where it was not received.
The above website is a primary example of a prominent Sai member who also strongly follows Vishwananda. One wonders where Sathya Sai Baba stands on this issue? Will Sai devotees who also follow Vishwananda be able to help those who have had a bad experience with Visham - the answer is likely to be 'no'.
What about some Sai devotees who have been 'blessed' with miracles as well as objects for healing. What has been the response for dealing with Vishwananda - an array of conflicting answers but also hints of acceptance of Vishwananda's group!!
My personal thoughts are that such devotees may end up giving Sathya Sai Baba (whom I assume they see as their Sat Guru) a questionable reputation if support for Vishwananda is also evident. Hopefully they will consider the implications of links to Visham as well.
2008 Update
Information from blog site http://sathyasaiprophecies.blogspot.com/ provides some interesting details on a conversation made by Yogananda to one of his followers. As these pages question Vishwananda in particular alongside his claim to being Yogananada, it is worth questioning even further why Vishwananda detached from Sathya Sai Baba (although there still is debate on that) and why followers of Yogananda have generally not spoken in favour of backing Sai Baba to my knowlegde.
This is the content of the conversation from Yogananda to his follower available on link:
Shortly before he left his physical body behind, Paramahansa Yogananda was approached by one of his close American disciples, a woman.
“Master,” she said, “I know you are planning on leaving your body. You must take me with you! You are my God!”
“Nonsense,” replied Yogananda. “God is God; I am your Guru.”
“But Master, if you leave without me, I will commit suicide!”
“Enough of that foolishness! God Himself is now incarnate on Earth, in South India. His name is Sai Baba. When I leave you are going to live with Him.”
(His prediction proved correct; after Yogananda’s death, that devotee spent the rest of her life at Sai Baba’s ashram.)
Once again questions are raised about Vishwananda, his claim to being Yogananda and his relationship (or lack of) to Sai Baba.
Other interesting blogs!!
On the exposers of Sai Baba........
Sai Baba's many copycats.......
Insights on Sai Baba's ''guru'' status......
Vishwananda again.............
Recent link on Vishwananda, March 2007...........
Other interesting blogs!!
On the exposers of Sai Baba........
Sai Baba's many copycats.......
Insights on Sai Baba's ''guru'' status......
Vishwananda again.............
Recent link on Vishwananda, March 2007...........
Please check this blog regularly as I will be feeding into it any incoming information as well as highlighting obvious problems in the spiritual path that he is trying to advocate which as one of the comments refered to the feeling of good darshan and unconditional love, also suggesting you can get this good energy but still indulge in bad actions. There is also reference to Vishwananda's claim to fame through past lives - also intend to look at the problems of this as well in more detail.
Please check this blog regularly as I will be feeding into it any incoming information as well as highlighting obvious problems in the spiritual path that he is trying to advocate which as one of the comments refered to the feeling of good darshan and unconditional love, also suggesting you can get this good energy but still indulge in bad actions. There is also reference to Vishwananda's claim to fame through past lives - also intend to look at the problems of this as well in more detail.
At 3:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Sheen.
One question: well maybe more.
But have You met Swami Vishwananda personally? Because i think that if You haven't, You have absolutely no right, or reasonable support to accusations in His direction! I cannot understand how people like You and mr. ex-baba can say such things about people who are actually trying to help the world! Instead of researching about whatever crap people right about Him, You should ask how many people He has helped! For goodness sakes, and no offense but really.. I think that instead of wasting Your time on posting a blog full of lies and negative emotions, You should try and meet Swami Vishwananda and maybe we will see You singing a whole new song. :)
I'm so sorry if You agree with the things that You posted here... it really hurts my heart and I can't understand why people post up such mere lies just for their own amusement...:(
Take care.
At 3:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey. its me again. About ex-baba man: Look I don't know about any other gurus, and I don't know if any of them have hurt You personally.. but my point is that if You have negativity You need to point at someone, if You need to do it at all then direct it at someone who actually hurt You and not at someone that You don't have a clue about. From what my mommy taught me.. ahem. People can post whatever they want on the net, so don't be naiive and believe everything they say. Id really take the chance and change my attitude...
Well good luck to You, and take care..I mean it from the heart. I don't mean to be mean.. I just don't get why You're doing this.
<3 Much light to You.
At 8:49 AM,
Sheen said…
Yes I have been to a couple of Vishwananda's services a couple of years ago when alot of friends who follow Sai Baba were doing so. I personally pledge no allegiance to anyone as I feel that we are on a personal (individual) journey in life.
As for Vishwananda, he seems to help those who idolise him and dismiss or direct negativity to those who don't. This is information from people that I've met throught spiritual circles which was my initial motivation to do this blog. I have already said this a couple of time and shouldn't have to repeat myself continuousl. Accept this at your discretion.
Best wishes on your journey
At 11:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
"and dismiss or direct negativity to those who don't"
Sorry but that just sounds like some fifth hand gossip to me...
Take care and GooD LucK :)
At 6:05 AM,
Sheen said…
One things that surprises me is the amount of anonymous comments attempting to defend Vishwananda with so much zeal. It is very difficult to decipher whether this is the generally held view or whether this is from one or two people. Furthermore it also helps to give a personal account of your experience and spiritual journey with Vishwananda rather than a knee-jerk reaction that is difficult to understand.
For the above comments, remember that if someone approaches you for help, the appropriate response is to do whatever you can rather than judge the people who might have had an experience that has been harmful in some way. From my part I personally know people who have had to go to spiritual healers and also go to place like Sathya Sai's Indian ashram to receive whatever healing they can after seeing Vishwananda. Before these are judged as rumours, it is better to find out the facts yourself - the worse thing is to hear that the accounts were accurate and nothing was done about it. On a personal note that is something that I would find difficulty dealing with.
At 3:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, well it is not "some" people, these comments are just our dialogue :) But i like to keep anonymous. Im not too keen on sharing me experiences with Swami Vishwananda, I will just say that since the moment I met Him He has changed my life considerably for the better and is my guide.. and I love Him dearly that is why it hurt my heart to hear such things.. just hard for me to believe. I didn't mean to attack You or anything.. Since You aren't one of the people who just write plain lies or gossip.. then consider that not everything You post is the actual truth. Generally I am these blogs directed at people like Sathya Sai Baba, or other Swamis. Of course people do get hurt and cheated on and not all masters really are masters as they may claim, but some are and REALLY do help people and change lives; bring people to God, which puts us in no position to judge them. So I think they deserve respect. People should try to express themselves in a less harsh way. And there is certainly more than one person known as Vishwananda, You can even look on google images and see what results You get. :)
Take care, from the heart.
At 6:49 AM,
Sheen said…
Appreciate your sincerity! Good luck in your journey.
At 4:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Sheen,
I appreciate the opportunity for people to have an open exchange about important things like a guru's genuineness. It seems like honesty and clarity would be in everyone's interest, yes? So...
You said:
"From my part I personally know people who have had to go to spiritual healers and also go to place like Sathya Sai's Indian ashram to receive whatever healing they can after seeing Vishwananda."
What does that mean? How is it helpful to simply spout vague and intimidating insinuations like that? What could possibly have happened to those people that they would need such remedial care? I ask that as a person who's been around spiritual and pseudo-spiritual circles for ...let's see...24 years...and I've had some pretty icky experiences which lead to some corrective self-inquiry,...but I never had to go to a healer or another guru to get fixed up afterwards.
If you are sincere about getting the truth out or worked out, then why not show it by being more forthcoming?
At 7:23 AM,
Sheen said…
Hi to the above comment:
At the risk of repeating my self, I copy my recent comment for the main page:
"My personal introduction to Vishwananda is through his Sathya Sai connection so I have had to assess the situation with that as a basis. The reality is that Vishwananda was posing as a Sai devotee in his earlier days and that is the person that I was encouraged towards.
Without all the information that has since come about, my understanding of Visham is that he has given no indication of why he left Sai Baba as many people would like to know. He is also a very young man to be courting so much of controversy even before he has reached 30 - ideally he should really be consolidating himself with greater maturity on what people need and are looking for in thier personal development. Furthermore there are some Sai people who have prominent roles in the Sai organisation who strongly support Vishwananda which creates further controversies; notably you also acknowledge that Visham disapproves of Sathya Sai. I invite you to look at this web page:
Regarding sharing of the facts, I've done my best to put forward information in a sesitive way that is in no way harmful to the people who may have reason to fear being targetted. That remains a primary objective and you are welcome to your opinions here but I cannot change this as peoples safety and anonymity come first. I can also say that some authorities have been informed but I also stress that this in not a policing page as I am not (as an individual) equipped for that - let those in charge do their work and the rest of us just contribute where we can."
I hope you appreciate that I cannot reveal specific names and details without individual's express permission and understandbly people are not inclined to do this in a public manner. Futhermore it is by no means unusual to go to healers - this is what they are there for and many people are not equipped to handle situations themselves. However if you sincerely feel that you personally need some further information, you are welcome to email me privately and discuss.
At 10:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
Are there any proof of Swami Vishwananda's miracles?
At 7:12 AM,
Sheen said…
Hi, I think this is really based on people's experience - I did meet someone a couple of years back from Mauritius who said that Visham had appeared to materialise a rudraksha - this person did not follow Visham, more on Sai Baba's path so wasn't sure what to make of it.
At 4:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
It contains many minerals, which will help with keeping
your pores clear and dirt free! This is a real
shit technique. Apply tea tree oil How to get rid of acne ** products such as gels and pomades.
Her recommendations are to be found in most regions of the United States by
officials who saw cause to worry.
At 6:01 AM,
Mala Terezija said…
there is also new blog from Poland https://poszukiwaczeprawdyeu.wordpress.com/2014/03/05/sugandh-story/
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